Space requirements for teaching

Around 40 lecture halls and 60 seminar rooms are available for teaching at KIT in the central administration. In addition, there are almost 300 seminar rooms assigned to KIT faculties and institutes. The hub for room allocation is the Campus Management System (CAS) with information on size, equipment, and much more. The allocation of centrally managed rooms for regular courses and for written examinations follows structures that have been jointly developed by representatives of teaching and administration. Help pages for the CAS are provided by the Service Unit Studies and Teaching (SLE), and on the system side, the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) is in charge of the CAS.

Please feel free to send us an e-mail to lehrraumvergabe∂


Regular courses

Teaching rooms are allocated primarily according to the needs of the lecturers and are based on the room allocation guideline (to follow shortly). Initially, the room requirements from the previous semester are taken over; this results in a provisional room booking by specifying the desired room and date, the expected number of participants and the necessary equipment. Courses that no longer take place are deleted; new or postponed courses are assigned a new room. In order to clarify conflicts, a timetable meeting with the event coordinators of the KIT faculties and the Central Teaching Room Allocation takes place every six months.

  • Handout (PDF, german)
  • Timetable (PDF, german) for the summer and winter semesters


Written examinations

Students and lecturers need planning security especially for exams. That is why there is a two-stage allocation procedure. The dates for written examinations, which are offered for many courses of study, must be fixed as early as possible, as must large examinations with more than 200 participants in several rooms. The second step is to allocate rooms for small examinations with fewer than 200 students. Confirming the binding booking is the task of the Central Teaching Room Allocation Office. According to experience, conflicts do not arise due to the indication of alternative dates.


What else we do:

  1. Room reservations for events
  2. Communicate room conflicts with users (closures, rebookings, etc.)
  3. Annual utilization survey
  4. Rental and transfer contracts for external tenants
  5. KIT room cost overview (to follow shortly)